In a world where the average person checks his social network
notifications for at least once per 24 hours, it won’t be too much to
say that social networks means do much in our lives.

In this article, I’ll be reviewing, comparing and contrasting two
instant messaging social platforms: BlackBerry Messenger and WhatsApp.
BlackBerry Messenger, also known as BBM, is owned by BlackBerry. The
social network was ported to Android and iOS late last year as a result
of dwindling number of BlackBerry smartphone users whom the app was
exclusively designed for.
Whatsapp on the other hand, until it’s February 2014 $19 billion
acquisition by FaceBook, was owned by Jan Koum and Brian Acton. The app
is available on most mobile phone eco systems including Android,
BlackBerry, iOS, Windows Phone, and even Nokia’s S40 OS.
BBM is more interactive than WhatsApp, as users get updates about their
friends’ personal message and media activity. Friends can even comment
on a given activity, personal message, or display picture, leading to
more conversations. You can also see a user’s current country and time,
if they have turned the feature on. On WhatsApp, you don’t get alerts on
updates about your friends’ personal message unless you actually visit
their profile. And you cannot comment on their display picture.
Both BBM and WhatsApp have delivery report system, but BBM is more
developed in that regard. While BBM informs you that your message has
been sent, delivered and read/viewed, WhatsApp only informs you that
your message has been sent and delivered.
BBM allows you to chat with 2 or more persons at a time under the same
chat window. When a participant sends a message, all the other
participants are alerted and shown the message. This feature is not
available on WhatsApp.
While BBM allows you to make calls using your data to other BBM users with compatible devices, WhatsApp has no such feature.
You can use animated, moving images that provide more information on BBM, but images on WhatsApp are static.
Both BBM and WhatsApp support cell broadcast. For one-time cell
broadcast, BBM is superior to WhatsApp as it allows for mass ticking of
contacts for cell broadcast to be sent. On WhatsApp, you have to tick
contacts one at a time, which could be time-consuming.
BBM supports the sharing of more file types than WhatsApp. For example,
you can share .apk, .pdf, .exe, .doc, etc. files on BBM, but not on
Channels is somewhat similar to the concept of Facebook fan page. It
allows a user to create a channel that people can join and get their
updates, and comment on, or reply to. BBM has the channel functionality
unlike WhatsApp.
Just like channel, Group is similar to the idea of Facebook group. A
user can create a group and let others become members. The group has a
forum for chat, pictures, events, lists and a group picture. Both BBM
and WhatsApp support the group functionality, but that of WhatsApp is
not as advanced as that of BBM, and supports only the group chat and
picture features.
It is easier to view a user’s profile picture on BBM than on WhatsApp.
When a BBM user uploads a picture, it appears on the “Updates,” and when
you click on it it appears fully even without Internet connection. You
can also easily convert a friend’s display picture to reflect on your
own profile with just few clicks. On WhatsApp, you need Internet
connection, for the first time, to download a friend’s picture before
you can clearly and fully view it. And you cannot convert a friend’s
profile picture to appear on your own profile unless you first download
it, and then upload it the regular way.
When sending an image on BBM, you can input some descriptive text
against the image before sending it. This feature is not available on
This could be a way of calling your friends’ attention. When you send
your friend a PING!, their phone makes an alert and vibrates. BBM
incorporates this feature, but not WhatsApp.
BBM contacts can appear in either grid or list format; that of WhatsApp can appear only in list format.
You can copy to clipboard the entire length of conversation you had with
a user on BBM with just a few clicks. On WhatsApp, you have to
individually select each item, as many as they are, before you can copy
them to clipboard.
The maximum video size shareable on BBM is 16MB. If a video file; is
higher than 16MB, it cannot be shared on BBM. Come to WhatsApp, video of
any length or size can be shared someway. If the length and size of the
video is too high, WhatsApp allows you to break the video into
reasonable-size parts and send them in succession. You can determine
even the segment of a video to be shared, leaving the other parts
If someone sends you a video or image on BBM, and while downloading it,
it happens that it fails, you cannot re-download the file; the sender
must re-send the file to you. On WhatsApp, if the file download fails,
you can re-download the file without requesting that the sender re-send
the file.
The battleline is drawn, Whatsapp is good, so is BBM. Both apps can be
basically used at the same time anyway, so the decision is yours. BBM or
Whatsapp; Or, BBM and WhatsApp; Or even none at all.